Friday, April 29, 2011

Freaky Friday

Everyone has their fears. Something that paralyzes, unnerves, and makes their skin crawl. Think long and hard about what it is that petrifies you. Have goosebumps yet? These are my embarrassing fears. These are things that wake me up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat. These are things that terrify me.

1. Like most women, bugs freak me out. Not cockroaches, not spiders, and not scorpions. I'll step on those sucks with my designer shoe and call it a day. No problem. It's bees, it's wasps, it's anything that makes that freaky buzzing sound while they fly next to your ear. Even a fly that gets too close to my face causes goosbumps to run down my neck. I have to refrain from my hands waving and flailing at the inanimate air.


2. The dark. Yes, I am 21 years old and I am still afraid of the dark. I watch Law and Order: SVU. I know what can happen! The thought of waking up in my bed, alone, with a strange man standing over my bed, creeps me the F%$& out. (Plus that show "Are you afraid of the dark?" is still engrained in my brain). Congratulations Nickelodeon, you've scarred me for life!


3. Being in a car accident. I'm not scared of a head-on, a fender bender, or a side swipe. I'm entirely afraid of the- out of control, spin out, flip the car -kind of car wreck. The feeling of being out of control and that nothing you can do can change the outcome, scares more out of me than you could know.


4. Drinking expired milk. When I was younger, I was about to enjoy a delicous, refreshing glass of cold milk. As soon as the soured milk touched my lips, I knew it had gone bad; however, I had to swallow it. Why? Because I was at the dinner table. Ever since then, I smell my milk before I drink it. NEVER AGAIN!


5. Hygiene. I have a (not really fear), but paranoia about my hygiene. I am in constant fear of being dirty. I don't have OCD or anything along those lines. But I never wanted to be the kid that was talked about because I smelled bad. I remember those kids in elementary school. They were the ones that smelled like cigarettes, B.O., and urine. They were the ones that stole things out of other kid's desks. Yes, Raymond, I KNOW you took my flower pen. Bitter.


So those are my fears, embarrassing or not, they freak me out. What are yours?

Thursday, April 21, 2011


I couldn't think of a title that didn't sound cheesy or overplayed, so I went with [untitled]; however, now that I'm looking at's probably exactly that.
I'm drugged up on sleep-aids, allergy medication, and cold relief, so you might have to bear with me on this post. I'm really sick, or dramatic... I haven't decided yet.

But I digress...

Tonight I was looking through old photographs. Ex-roommate's birthday parties, concerts with close friends, and roadtrips to the middle of nowhere. From "Prom '08" to my first year in college. From the Chicago Field trip to my sister's wedding. I went through them all, and here is what I've decided: I may have had falling out's with people, I may have lost touch with others, and I may have jumped straight to the dramatics, but...

I couldn't think of any of the bad times. I could only think of the laughter, the jokes, the sarcasm, and the fun. I rarely think of the bad times in Texas anymore. It doesn't make me want to move back there or relive every single moment of my memories (God know that I couldn't survive that), but I do look back with fondness now. No more hatred, no more guilt, and no more regret. They happened.

After I came to that conclusion, I moved on to another. I am thankful for those pictures. No matter how much I may have hated that person in that that exact moment...we were happy. No matter how long it's been since I've seen them, we captured it. I think that is why I love taking pictures (even though I'm not very good at it). It doesn't matter what the picture is of, it has captured a moment that we can never relive. It's comforting and nostalgic and fulfilling.

"Photograph each day, so that we may live forever..." -Juliet Simms

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

When was the last time...

So, when was the last time you did something for the first time?
When was the last time you told someone exactly how you feel?
When was the last time you took a risk, without becoming crazed about the consequences or fearing judgements?
When was it?

As most of us know and have heard numerous times, life is short. We have 75 years on this earth, with the lucky ones granted more. Take a risk, take a drive, take a leap, or take a small step. Just do something for the first time and tell me how good it feels.

"Try on my world, let me show you how good it feels."
-Spike (Buffy, Season 6)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

April's Goals & Dreams

Hey, look, I'm copying Simply, Valorie and Rachel.
I think this is a great way to keep yourself accountable (and basically everything that is said in Valorie's blog). I want to accomplish something this month, even if it just something small. So here I go...

1. Make preparations for "Making Nevada Healthy": I've started wanting to create a jogging group that would like to get up on Saturday mornings to go...jogging in the park. It's a wonderful park with a lot of different things going on and with a big group, it could be a great way to hold each other accountable.

2. Go to my Body Pump Class at least once a week: I really enjoy this strength training class that I've been doing. I feel noticeably stronger and I've only been doing it for a little over a month. They have it at convenient times on Tuesday's and Thursday's, and although I would like to do both classes a week, I do get sore (and sometimes stay sore) for a couple days after.

3. Pack a picnic: I've been wanting to do PB&J's, Chips, Drinks, Snacks in the park (I adore the parks around here if you haven't noticed). 

4. Save more money, spend a little: I have always had a little bit of a spending problem. I've gotten A LOT better from where I was a year ago. My parents have invested their time in a financial class that takes place on Saturday's. They tell me interesting saving-money techniques that they have incorporated into their lives and it makes me want to hoard my cash.

5. Investigate Vegas: I spend a lot of time on the computer/at work/at school, so the time that I can diminish and go exploring, I will.

I'll catch up with you guys at the end of the month to explain my end results.

Monday, April 4, 2011


I've always battled my insecurities. A constant reminder of that middle school girl who always wanted to hold her crushes hand, but never had the courage. A constant reminder of the girl that finally found "the one", but he wasn't interested. A constant reminder of being the "right now girl", but never more. I've tried pushing these insecurities aside, but they creep back up, inflicting subtle doubts about my life and the relationships I've built. It's hard to think that this insecure little girl has grown up into a woman. It's hard to imagine a life with no drama, no doubt, and no insecurities. Twenty-one years of feelings that have imprinted themselves to the back of my mind, and suddenly...need to be removed.
A long, hard road is ahead of me. It's unpaved, forested, and dark; however, I know that there has to be something better than the tiled overlay that leads me the easy way. No more crutches and no more excuses. I'm delving into uncharted territory. Wish me luck.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

100 ways to uncomplicate your life.

"1. Don’t try to read other people’s minds

2. Get up 30 minutes earlier so that you don’t rush/get a ticket while driving too fast/have to explain why you’re late/get fired

3. Get 8 hours of sleep per night so that you think more clearly

4. Stick to your budget

5. Start saving and investing every week, no matter how little you can spare

6. Balance your checkbook

7. Don’t try to be friends with everyone. Cultivate closer relationships with fewer people.

8. Don’t try to do business with everyone. Identify your target client and take very good care of them.

9. Before getting angry, ask yourself if it will really matter in 20 years

10. Focus on being a good person, not on pleasing others

11. Stay home this Saturday, and finish off that nagging chore that you need to finish

12. Kiss and make up

13. Make a weekly menu, and shop for only those items at the market

14. Ask your grandparents the best way to uncomplicate life, and try it for a month

15. Fill up your gas tank when it’s half full

16. Don’t drink alcohol when you’re tired, sad or mad

17. Pay your bills on time

18. Get an annual physical examination

19. Say “I love you” to your significant other and to your children. Studies show that more marriages last, and fewer kids use drugs, when these words are spoken every day.

20. For just one day, imagine everyone’s intentions are good because most people’s are

21. Give away clothes that haven’t been worn in two years

22. Throw out clothes that are in disrepair, and can’t be mended

23. When you have a conflict with someone, talk it out. Don’t let it turn into more than it is.

24. Know what your priorities are in life, and act as if they are your priorities

25. Tell the truth

26. Don’t cheat

27. Don’t steal

28. If you’re holding on to a ridiculous grudge, let it go

29. Clean your house weekly, so that it doesn’t become too large a chore

30. Do your best at work, or at school

31. Don’t eat when you aren’t hungry

32. Eat when you are hungry

33. Be yourself

34. Say no unapologetically

35. Cook simple meals

36. Don’t try to keep up with the Joneses

37. Pay off your car before buying a new one

38. Organise your desk at the office

39. Change your smoke alarm batteries when the clocks spring forward, and again when they fall back

40. Organise your important paperwork

41. Take only half the clothes that you planned to take with you on holiday

42. Help your children with their homework every night, and have an open dialogue with their teachers

43. Have white sheets and white towels in children’s rooms/bathrooms, because they’re easily bleached

44. Spend your time with nice people

45. Avoid drama

46. Don’t text or talk on the phone while driving

47. Turn off the television/video games/computer; they’re time consumers

48. Don’t engage in office politics

49. Refuse to gossip, or talk behind other people’s backs

50. Do the dishes right after dinner

51. Never go to sleep angry

52. Ask nicely for what you need and want

53. Walk 10,000 steps per day to help your heart

54. Do 20 push-ups before speaking in anger

55. Leave work at work

56. Don’t befriend anyone that isn’t trustworthy

57. Don’t envy others

58. Have your oil changed

59. Take vitamin C BEFORE you catch a cold

60. Don’t work more than 8 hours per day

61. Weed your garden weekly

62. Wash your car weekly

63. Have a spring cleaning month every year, and do one room at a time

64. You don’t need to be best friends with work colleagues, but build respectful partnerships

65. Don’t drink and drive

66. Don’t look for reasons to be angry or sad, look for reasons to be happy. You’ll always be able to find plenty of each.

67. Be friendly with your neighbours

68. Return emails and phone messages promptly

69. Schedule in free time

70. Don’t procrastinate

71. Do what you say you’ll do, when you say you’ll do it

72. Be more flexible when you’re able to be

73. Forgive and forget. End of story.

74. Break the consumerism habit…put a three month moratorium in place on buying anything not deemed a necessity

75. Start your diet on September 1, rather than January 1, so that you won’t also have holiday pounds to lose

76. Take care of any health issues or concerns

77. Have your tires rotated

78. Have your brakes checked

79. Have your eyes checked

80. Don’t let your imagination run away with you

81. Let go of perfection in others

82. Let go of perfection in yourself

83. Don’t try to help those that refuse to help themselves

84. Find a way to reduce your commute to work

85. Have an alloted amount of worry time per day/week, that you strictly abide by

86. Drink more water

87. Eat more salmon

88. Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill

89. Wear your hair in a classic, easy to care for style

90. Finish what you start

91. Wear classic clothes and shoes that never go out of style

92. Create a daily routine

93. Have a 1, 5, 10 and 20 year plan for your financial and life goals

94. Slow down

95. Eat out less often

96. When you ask your husband which outfit looks best, thank him for his answer and wear the one he liked rather than focusing on why he didn’t like the other one

97. Allow your children to grow up

98. Clean out your garage, and donate anything that hasn’t been used in the past year

99. Stretch every day

100. If a relationship is over, let it go"
