Monday, April 4, 2011


I've always battled my insecurities. A constant reminder of that middle school girl who always wanted to hold her crushes hand, but never had the courage. A constant reminder of the girl that finally found "the one", but he wasn't interested. A constant reminder of being the "right now girl", but never more. I've tried pushing these insecurities aside, but they creep back up, inflicting subtle doubts about my life and the relationships I've built. It's hard to think that this insecure little girl has grown up into a woman. It's hard to imagine a life with no drama, no doubt, and no insecurities. Twenty-one years of feelings that have imprinted themselves to the back of my mind, and suddenly...need to be removed.
A long, hard road is ahead of me. It's unpaved, forested, and dark; however, I know that there has to be something better than the tiled overlay that leads me the easy way. No more crutches and no more excuses. I'm delving into uncharted territory. Wish me luck.

1 comment:

  1. You'll have help. From Mr. Awesome himself.


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