Monday, June 27, 2011

6 months.

I know it's corny, cheesy, and probably dumb, but I'm here to talk about the 6 months my boyfriend and I have shared together. Yes, I do realize that 6 months is not a huge feat for anyone, especially if you have experience in long-term relationships, but I don't. He's a first.

He's my best friend, in all the wonderful ways a friend is. He kicks me in rear-end when I'm being a crazy girl. He loves me when he knows I need it. He teases, he makes me laugh, and most importantly, he makes me want to be a better person. I don't think I've ever said that about a significant other and realized I meant it. He makes me want to do well in school so I can achieve my goals. He makes me want to save my money to buy that car that I've wanted. He calms me down late at night and he makes me smile in the mornings. We both have butted our heads together from time to time...and I know he thinks I'm crazy, but I hope I drive him crazy in all the right ways. I hope I make him want to be a better person. I hope I inspire him to do new things.
"Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."

I've never been so calmly happy. So comfortable and so worry-free.

You've tolerated me for 6 months, honey. I hope you can tolerate me some more.
Your Sunflower

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