Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Feminism at it's best.

I'd like to think that I have a healthy amount of feminist in me. I do enjoy looking nice, being a woman, and giving in to some stereotypes, but that doesn't mean that I am not as equally qualified as doing a man's job, or understanding the same things, or even enjoying "guy" things.
However, there are some women out there that make me want to hurl. For example, I know a woman that should coin the catchphrase, "that's a man's job." Things that are as simple as reloading a stapler, she will ask a man to do it.
"Katie, don't move that bookcase, that's a man's job. Ask someone else to do it."
Thanks, but I got it.
"Katie, you're lifting those boxes? Ask him to do it."
No, I'm really okay, but do you need help with your computer?
"No, Katie, that's a man's job."

These conversations have really happened. Not only does she give in to the stereotype that women are inferior, but she is reinforcing the ideal that women in the workplace belong in reception or secretary positions. Believe it or not, I can do more than answer a phone.

The moral of this? Don't reinforce a stereotype. It's aggravating, it's insulting, and it causes people to hate you.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Rock and Water

She laid in her bed, snuggled between her many pillows and his arms. She looked up at him, seeing his eyes crinkle with a smile. She always knew his sincerest smile that way.
"You're like a rock," she stated. He looked at her, a little confused. She continued, "You have your set ways, you're grounded, and you're not changing anytime soon." His confusion slowly turned into understanding and with a grin spread across his face he stated,
"You're right. So I guess that means you're water then."
"How so?" She replied.
"Well, water can wear rocks away. They change them...they affect them." He sighed, "Plus water's a little crazy sometimes." He chuckled as she playfully punched him in the arm.
"We'll do great things then, I mean...look at the Grand Canyon." And with that, she beamed at him.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

I'm 21, so that qualifies me to give advice...right?

A little bit ago, I posted a blog about uncomplicating your life. I had found those little morsels of good advice from Bellamumma.com (a fellow blogger).
I decided that I would like to offer some of my advice that I have learned (mostly in the past 2 years or so). It's nothing extravagant or enriching, and most of it probably appeals to most people's common sense. However, I've decided to share my insight's with the world...regardless.

1. Soak in the sun. Go outside for a walk, and get your daily vitamin D. People's obsession with skin cancer is out of control. God would have not put us on this earth if the sun was harmful in moderation.

2. Eat. A lot. Again, this is with moderation. Go to your favorite mexican food place and get your favorite dish. Go to that sushi restaurant and try that new roll. Go to a 5 star restaurant and eat that lobster. Splurge a little bit. If you are doing your daily exercise, eating right most of the time, it will not kill you to have a nacho.

3. Follow politics. I didn't vote when I turned 18, and although I don't care for Obama or McCain, I wish my vote would've mattered. Politics influence your daily life, and although they might not affect it now, in the future it will. With age, comes concern for the well being of others, and I'm so happy that I can go to work in the morning and read the daily news...and enjoy it!

4. Be thankful. You're in school? Be thankful. You have a job? Be thankful. You can travel? Be thankful. I struggle with this on a daily basis, and I've come to realize that not noticing the things around you, is just disrespectful to yourself. I have so much going for me, and it's hard to realize it everyday I'm sure I'm not the only one.

5. Trust. This is one of the hardest things I try to do in my life. It's hard to trust people when you've gone through so much (or even a little). You can't let your past dictate your future, and with that, you have to lay those past experiences aside, and just...go for it.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

In the moment.

She sat there, quiet, with no sound to be heard. The fan was off, her alarm clock wasn't beeping her awake, and the sun wasn't shining directly into her eye to catch a glimmer of her attention. It was midnight, and the only noise to be heard was the humming of her computer and her fingers typing away frantically upon the keyboard. All she could think about was...nothing. Her mind was free of thought. She had no worries, or troubles. Her happiness encircled her. For the first time, she felt that everything was in it's perfect place in her life.

In a flood of panic, she wondered if it was too good to be true. Could this all change in a matter of moments? The truth was, it could, and that terrified her. Her worries and troubles returned, but in a flicker of clarity, she brushed them away. She would savor her current moment with a smile, the cool side of the pillow, and a good night's sleep.