Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Feminism at it's best.

I'd like to think that I have a healthy amount of feminist in me. I do enjoy looking nice, being a woman, and giving in to some stereotypes, but that doesn't mean that I am not as equally qualified as doing a man's job, or understanding the same things, or even enjoying "guy" things.
However, there are some women out there that make me want to hurl. For example, I know a woman that should coin the catchphrase, "that's a man's job." Things that are as simple as reloading a stapler, she will ask a man to do it.
"Katie, don't move that bookcase, that's a man's job. Ask someone else to do it."
Thanks, but I got it.
"Katie, you're lifting those boxes? Ask him to do it."
No, I'm really okay, but do you need help with your computer?
"No, Katie, that's a man's job."

These conversations have really happened. Not only does she give in to the stereotype that women are inferior, but she is reinforcing the ideal that women in the workplace belong in reception or secretary positions. Believe it or not, I can do more than answer a phone.

The moral of this? Don't reinforce a stereotype. It's aggravating, it's insulting, and it causes people to hate you.

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